Saskatoon in 2067 WorldCon Bid Progress Report 2021

Welcome to the 2021 progress report for Saskatoon in 2067, currently styled "A Long Way Off"

Progress has been smooth, if nonexistent, on getting things in place for our filing (anticipated by the World-con Business meeting of 2062 at the latest.

We are making early preparations for a restaurant guide for the event, but have little luck identifying restaurateurs willing to commit to deals, menus, locations, or existing, in 2067.

We are currently seeking co-chair, preferably who will be under the age of 80 for the con, so born after 1987. There are a couple of candidates at the moment, but so far the youngest interested party is Juka Halme, who will be 100 at the time of the con.


Current head of programming is Gloria Lucia Albasi of New York who will likely also require an assistant under 80 at the time.

Dates confirmed:

Our team have voted to file for a con running from Tuesday August 30th through Monday September 5th. 2067 will also mark Canada's bicentennial, so we anticipate having lots of extra-con activities for savvy travelers who choose to extend their stay beyond the window of the con itself.

Guests of Honour:

Our goal is to have as the trinary-author-guests-of-honour the uploaded consciousnesses of William Gibson, Neal Stephenson and Bruce Sterling, however we haven't had any luck yet finding out which agency will be representing those AIs in forty-six years. If you have any ins with Agencies which are currently representing the uploaded consciousness of these or any other likely candidates, please consider passing on our contact info and asking them to get in touch.

No Venue Selected:

We're fairly confident that our venue-of-choice doesn't exist yet, so negotiations on that front are at a stand-still.

Memberships and Volunteer Opportunities

Pre-pre-pre supporting memberships are available for a commitment of one hour of talking up Saskatoon-in-2067 at other fan events of your choice and will be converted to a sustaining membership if the bid is successful.

Please send membership requests and volunteer offers to:

Saskatoon in 2067 Worldcon Bid
C/o Kent Pollard
1222 Junor Av.
Saskatoon, SK, CANADA S7L7K1

We have no bank account, so please do not send money of any kind unless you want me to blow it on frivolities.

The Smallest Print:

This is Progress Report Report 2021 of the bid to bring The World Science Fiction Society's convention for 2067 to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. this is not an official publication of the World Science Fiction Society and does not represent their views or interests.

"World Science Fiction Society", "WSFS", "World Science Fiction Convention", "Worldcon", "NASFiC", "Hugo Award", the Hugo Award Logo, and the distinctive design of the Hugo Award Rocket are service marks of the World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary society. You can contact the WSFS Mark Protection Committee at
